Scroll down to let us know.
Thanks for sharing your happy moment.
Underlined words in your happy moment are among top key words used to describe all happy moments.
If you see no underlined words, your moment was truly unique in its diction!
This narrative uses data from HappyDB. HappyDB is a corpus of 100,000+ happy moments collected by researchers at Meganon Labs. Researchers used Amazon's Mechanical Turk to collect responses to the question: "What made you happy today?". More information can be found on Megagon's website here.
Scroll down to explore the dataset.
What kind of words do people like to use when they write about their happy moments?
Pick a topic below, and you will see a word cloud showing the most frequently used words for happy moments to the
topic of your choice.
You can hover over a specific word to see its frequency within the corpus, filtered by the topic of your choice, as well as
a sample moment using that word within your chosen category.
Let's talk about what makes you happy, from day to day.
(Step 1) How happy does each category make you? Drag & drop the categories to rank them from top to bottom, in order of most to least happy. (We will show you moments from your top 3 categories.)
(Step 2) Choose 5 words from the word cloud that spark joy. Click on a word to select it.
Done? Click the Submit button to see happy moments from the database that match your selections.
When you read these happy moments, how do you feel?
Do they also spark joy in you?
Exercise |
Enjoy the Moment |
Bonding |
Achievement |
Nature |
Affection |
Leisure |